Pros and cons of becoming globally mobile 

August 2022

Recent studies have found that the world's global workforce is expected to include 1.87 billion workers by 2022. The growing statistic indicates that becoming a globally mobile employee can provide great benefits for you and your employer. The key motivation for a business is access to a global talent pool, and the ability to drive productivity and revenue. But as the employee what are the true pros and cons you will face when becoming globally mobile. We explore the highs and lows to help you decide if a globally mobile position is the right move for you.

The obvious benefits of becoming globally mobile include international work experience, global career opportunities and flexible ways of working.

With the growth of this type of role alongside the expanding access to advanced technology. There is more than one role available to employees looking to become globally mobile.

If a permeant relocation is not the right choice for you or your family then taking a commuter assignment might be the best move. Having the opportunity to work abroad without the upheaval of moving your family home is usually the biggest motivator and benefit of a globally mobile position. The added benefit of gaining access to global career progression opportunities is usually another big deciding factor. 


The biggest impact faced with commuter assignments usually comes down to the effect of travelling. Spending a large amount of time travelling to enjoy your weekends at home with family can put a strain on your work-life balance.

To explore more about a commuter assignment discover our guide on the pros and cons of a commuter assignment

As part of the growing market of global mobile positions, short-term assignments open up new opportunities for professionals looking to experience a global role without the commitment of moving for a longer period. Short-term assignments can require more preparation, for the role you will be taking. Expectations from your employers might also be higher than a traditional expat position. You will only be in your global role for a short period of time so you will be expected to perform from the beginning. 

Explore our guide on short-term assignments abroad to learn how to manage and plan for success in your new role. 

Becoming globally mobile doesn’t always have to involve relocating. With high-speed internet, you can work from anywhere. Virtual assignments allow you to work remotely in a location that differs from the country of your company.  A virtual role has similar benefits to that of short-term assignments, offering you global career opportunities at your own doorstep. But you can face some extra challenges along the way. This can include feelings of isolation and disconnection from your colleagues. Depending on where your company is located. You may also face some tax complications along with this. 

In our guide, we dive into the pros and cons of a virtual assignment to help you decide if it’s the right option.

Taking a global role can take its toll on your personal life. The expectation of a new city and new role can also come with more responsibility and demands as you settle in. Because of this achieving, a healthy work-life balance is challenging for your newly globally mobile employees. Moving overseas can also put extra pressure to achieve in your new position. Which can negatively affect your work life balance. This increases the risk of expats facing burnout and mental health issues. Finding the balance is key to harmonising your day to day life and new global career.

Learn more about the true impact of a poor work-life balance expats often face and how to improve yours in our guide.


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