Our Care International health insurance is designed for people who spend long periods overseas. It works much like health insurance at home: you’re not just covered for emergency treatment, but also for your diagnosis and post-treatment care. Our plans also include treatment for covid-19, subject to terms & conditions.
If you are working, travelling or living abroad for less than a year, we also have a short-term cover option for you.
Your cover is also subject to:
- Policy definitions and exclusions
- Any special conditions shown on your Insurance Certificate (and on the Special Condition Form issued before the policy comes into effect, where relevant).
- Any policy endorsements, policy terms and conditions and any other legal requirements.
- Costs being reasonable and customary in accordance with country of treatment, standard and generally accepted medical procedures. If we consider a claim to be inappropriate, we reserve the right to decline or reduce the amount we pay.
Cover is not provided if any element of the cover, benefit, activity, business or underlying business violates any applicable sanction law or regulations of the United Nations, the European Union or any other applicable economic or trade sanction law or regulations.
Please check your Insurance Certificate, Benefit Guide and Table of Benefits to find out more.