Regulatory Information

AWP Health & Life SA is regulated by the French Prudential Supervisory Authority.

AWP Health & Life SA, acting through its Irish branch, is a limited company, governed by the French Insurance Code. Registered in France: No. 401 154 679 RCS Bobigny. Allianz Care and Allianz Partners are registered business names of AWP Health & Life SA, which has a number of business lines (including international health, travel, assistance and automotive). Allianz Care is the international health business line.

Registered office address:
7 rue Dora Maar,
93400 Saint Ouen

Irish branch:
Registered in the Irish Companies Registration Office
Registered No. 907619.

15 Joyce Way
Park West Business Campus
Nangor Road
Dublin 12, Ireland

QFC Branch:
Authorised by the Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority

Office 604C, 6th Floor
Jaidah Square Building
Umm Ghuwailina
63 Airport Road Zone 27
State of Qatar

Canadian Branch:
Regulated by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, under the Insurance Companies Act, Canada.

214 King Street West,
Suite 412,
Toronto, ON,
M5H 1K5,

Allianz Partners has a zero tolerance principle on fraud and corruption. We comply fully with local and international anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws, and maintain effective and robust anti-corruption systems, procedures and controls. The Allianz Anti-Corruption Program has been running since 2009 and sets out the Allianz Group’s minimum anti-corruption and anti-bribery standards.

The program prohibits the offer, acceptance, payment or authorization of any bribes and any other form of corruption, whether in the private sector or given to a local or foreign government official.

Allianz Partners demands transparency and integrity in all business dealings on all levels, to avoid any improper advantage or the appearance of questionable conduct by employees or third parties with whom we do business.

All Allianz employees undergo regular compliance training, which offers practical guidance for making decisions and avoiding potential conflicts of interest such as the acceptance of gifts and invitations from business partners.

Allianz Partners complies with all applicable economic sanctions within all jurisdictions in which we operate – including those imposed by the United Nations, the European Union and the United States.

These economic sanctions restrictions are implemented through a global compliance program, with economic sanctions that include on-going counterparty screening and enhanced due diligence on relevant processes such as underwriting and claims.

It is important to note that Allianz may provide insurance coverage to international clients that have incidental business related to sanctioned countries if this business complies with all applicable sanctions (for example, insurance for humanitarian goods). Even then, any such business is subject to enhanced due diligence and a special approval process.

Important information in relation to your Insurance Policy.

Who we are: “Allianz Partners” (registered business name of AWP Health & Life SA) provides healthcare solutions on a global scale. AWP Health & Life SA is regulated by the French Prudential Supervisory Authority (Autorite de Controle Prudentiel et de Resolution ACPR, 61 rue Taitbout, 75009 Paris Cedex, France). AWP Health & Life SA acting through its Irish Branch, is a limited company governed by the French Insurance Code with its head office located at 7 rue Dora Maar, 93400 Saint Ouen, France. Registered in France: No. 401 154 679 RCS Bobigny. Irish Branch registered in the Irish Companies Registration Office. Irish Branch registered No.: 907619. Irish Branch address: 15 Joyce Way, Park West Business Campus, Nangor Road, Dublin 12, Ireland.

Our Service: The service which Allianz Partners offers to you, which is the subject of this notice, is outlined in the table of benefits provided in your Membership Pack. The terms and conditions of your insurance policy are set out in the Benefit Guide.

Quotation: For new policies, quotations are valid for 30 days from the date of issue. For renewals, quotations are valid from the date of issue until the policy renewal date.

Fees & Charges: The premium quotation may be subject to locally imposed premium taxes and government levies, depending on your location and the principal country of residence of the insured member(s). The quotation provides an indication of the applicable premium taxes and government levies based on the information available to us at the time of quotation. The principal country of residence of the person(s) to be insured is relevant in the calculation of the premium taxes and government levies for this insurance contract. Therefore, it is important that the correct principal country of residence is indicated as this may impact the amount payable. Please note that the premium taxes and government levies payable may be subject to change to reflect any adjustments to the charges, to reflect any changes to the number of persons to be covered, or following changes to the membership information provided to us.

Cooling off Period/Right of Withdrawal: Provided the sale of this policy meets the criteria set out in the directive, you have the right to withdraw from the policy without providing a reason or being subject to penalty within 14 calendar days of the later of:

  1. Inception date of the policy
  2. The date you receive full policy terms and conditions.

However, the right of withdrawal does not apply for contracts executed in full by both parties at the express request of the consumer before he/she exercises his/her right of withdrawal.

Cancellation: You can cancel the contract in relation to all insured members, or only in relation to one or more dependants, within 30 days of receiving the full terms and conditions of your policy or from the start/renewal date of your policy, whichever is later. Please note that you cannot backdate the cancellation of your membership.

Should you wish to cancel, please complete the “Right to change your mind” form which is included in your welcome/renewal pack. This form can be sent to us via email to: [email protected]. Alternatively, you can post this form to the Client Services Team, using the address detailed in the benefit guide. If you cancel your contract within this 30-day period, you will be entitled to a full refund of the cancelled member(s) premiums paid for the new Insurance Year, provided that no claims have been made. 

Governing Law & Language: Your policy is governed by French law unless otherwise required under mandatory legal regulations. Any dispute that cannot otherwise be resolved will be dealt with by courts in France.

All communication between us will be in English

This content is issued pursuant to EU directive 2002/65/EC. For the purpose of this notice a consumer means any natural person who is acting for purposes outside of their trade, business or profession; and where there is no face to face contact between Allianz Partners and the consumer.

Sanctions suspension clause: Any benefits, cover and claims payments are suspended if any element of the cover, benefit, activity, business, or underlying business exposes us to:

  •  any applicable sanction, prohibition or restriction under the United Nations’ resolutions, or
  •  the trade or economic sanctions, laws or regulations of the European Union, United Kingdom, or United States of America.

The above suspension will continue until such time as we are no longer exposed to any such sanction, prohibition, or restriction.