Grow your brokerage: how to recruit insurance agents 

January 24, 2020

If you are running an insurance brokerage but are struggling to provide customers with the level of service they deserve, it may be time to grow your brokerage.

This is a challenging time for a small or medium businesses, as resources may already be stretched thin. But while costs may be tight, hiring the best insurance agents available is key to your brokerage success - so it isn’t an activity to take lightly. Here are some factors to think about when considering how to recruit insurance agents.

Does your business have a LinkedIn profile? It’s a great place for SME’s to begin recruiting but you may have some work to do before you begin posting open roles. In general SME’s do not have the same name recognition as the larger brokerages or insurance agencies so it is important your social presence provides potential candidates with as much information on your business as possible.

Ensure you convey your company culture in your LinkedIn profile and include relevant content including:

  • videos 
  • testimonials
  • case studies
  • interviews with existing employees

All of these will help potential candidates get a feel for working at your brokerage and help position your brokerage as a great place to work. You are then ready to post open roles. 

Employee referrals have become an extremely popular way of recruiting for businesses of all sizes. A multitude of research has shown it is an effective way of hiring and retaining suitable candidates successfully. HR Technologist found referred employees are 55% faster to hire, saving your business time and money and helping to build your brokerage with top talent.  
When it comes to recruiting ideal candidates, offline matters too. Reach potential candidates at insurance industry networking events, where you can chat in person and really get a feel for whether they would be a good fit to grow your brokerage. Websites like Eventbrite and Meetup are a good place to find upcoming opportunities in your local area. Insurance organisations in your locality may also arrange networking events for members. 

If your business needs to fill an internship or junior role, try to have a presence at college recruitment fairs in your area. Provide the college with as much information about your business in advance as you can. Some tips for attracting the right candidates during the fair include:

·         communicating the meaningful work your business does clearly and simply

·         being approachable

·         focusing on soft skills

If you don’t have the time to look for suitable candidates, consider employing a specialist recruitment agency to assist . While this will cost more money in the short term, they will take a lot of the most difficult elements out of the recruitment process. Just some of the benefits of using an agency over recruiting yourself are:

  • access to a pool of quality candidates
  • industry expertise 
  • knowledge of recruitment law

When you factor in the time taken to find, interview and hire a new employee in addition to salary and benefits, recruiting is expensive. However, taking the time to find the right candidate will be well worth it in the medium term as they help grow your brokerage with their skills and experience.  

If your brokerage is looking for an insurance partner in expat health insurance, get in touch - we are happy to answer any queries you have.