Man making a speech


The Importance of Communication in Leadership 

07 December 2021

To be a good leader you must also be a good communicator. As the leader you will need communication skills to connect, not only with your staff, but also with stakeholders, boards of management, your consumers, the media, the public and others from all across the globe. This level of communication is not only essential to be a good leader, but it is also essential to ensure success in your business.

Leaders must communicate with purpose and intention. They must know how and when to communicate and select the appropriate mode for their audience. It is the best way to meet people’s individual needs and to enable important human connections in business and in life. There are four types of communication that a leader must excel in. These are: 
Writing emails, letters, notices, press releases etc. 
Speaking directly with colleagues, stakeholders, media outlets or members of the public.
Addressing an audience with a presentation where body language is also a communication factor.
To plan and guide your teams with clear objectives.
Within these types of communication there are also different styles in which a leader may communicate. 
Encouraging a person to find solutions and ideas for themselves. E.g. “What would be best for us to focus on today?”
Imparting the wisdom and knowledge you have gained from walking in the shoes of the person before them. E.g. “Based on my experience I would recommend...”.
Telling a person what to do by providing clear instructions and information. E.g. “I would like to you call X and tell them Y”.
Handing work over to another person. 
Communication is more important than ever as many previously office based businesses transition to a hybrid working model. Communication channels have been evolving and the need for connectivity between a leader and their employees is at an all-time high.

Great communication skills don’t just appear overnight. As a business leader you must work hard on improving your communication skills.
Communicate information, thoughts, and ideas clearly and frequently. Keep your communication as open and transparent as possible and look out for ways to help improve the path of communication between you and your team, employees, or organization. Shed all traces of detachment and arrogance and take the time to talk to your people.
Direct communication is important. Say what you mean by being as direct as possible. Avoid adding “fluff” and don’t communicate in a roundabout style that means people need to read between the lines as everyone interprets things differently. 
Active listening means doing 80% of the listening and 20% of the talking. This is done by encouraging the other person to offer ideas and solutions before you give yours. It also means showing interest in, and respect for, your colleagues. This helps build trust and develop an emotional connection which is important if you are to become a strong leader. 
When you tell a good story, you breathe life to a vision, goal, or objective. Telling good stories creates trust, captures hearts and minds, and serves as a reminder of the vision. Plus, people find it easier to repeat a story or refer to an image or quote than to talk about a mission statement, strategy document, or project plan. This is key when communicating the vision.
While effective leaders master the art and craft of language, speaking clearly, and presenting logical and compelling arguments, skilled leaders also know that communication goes beyond words. If people hear one thing from you and see another, people will begin to lose trust in you. You need to walk the walk as well as talk the talk. 
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