Menopause in the workplace: what employers should be doing  

August 2023

As a manager, it is important to understand the impact of menopause on your team members and provide appropriate support. While your organisation may have policies or company-wide supports in place, it’s your duty as a manager to show empathy to your team and be a strong source of encouragement during this time. 


In this guide, we will explore strategies and best practices for managing menopause in the workplace and considerations to think of when supporting your team. Menopause and employers can function well together once everyone has the tools to collaborate effectively.

The first step towards creating a safe environment for your team is promoting open communication. Encourage open and confidential conversations, assuring employees that their concerns will be heard and respected. When your team members do share their experiences, be sure to practice active listening so that they feel understood and empathised with. 
While it’s important for everyone in an organisation to be educated about menopause, as a manager, your education is particularly important. Educate yourself about menopause, including the physical and emotional symptoms and any recent research that might prove useful in supporting your colleagues. Every experience of the menopause is unique so be sure to research extensively and tailor your approach and support to meet the individual needs of each employee. 
There are many practical ways to support employees with menopause, including workplace adjustments and accommodations, like temperature control in the office or working from home. More holistic solutions like stress management workshops or yoga classes can be a great way to boost morale, while being open to more flexible work models like hybrid and remote work can be a great way to get the most out of your employees. 
As a manager, your priority should be to look after your employees’ wellbeing both in and out of the office. Encourage your team members to invest in their self-care and show your own support for these practices – regular breaks, exercise, and menopause resources like Employee Assistance Programmes or local support groups are all great ways to show you care about their journey. 

If you’re a manager that strives for high productivity and results, it can be difficult to deal with the changes to work performance that menopause can cause. Be understanding and flexible, allowing for adjustments when necessary, while maintaining open communication about expectations and deadlines. Schedule regular check-ins to provide support and show your commitment to their success. As long as everyone on the team is open about their workloads and challenges, you can pull together to enjoy success.

By prioritising the wellbeing of menopausal employees, managers can foster a positive and inclusive workplace culture that benefits everyone on the team. Menopause support begins at the top level - when managers pledge to support menopausal women, everyone on the team can thrive.

Allianz Partners can help your business to look after its employees in times of turmoil. Take a look at our international group health insurance page for more information.