As an employer, it’s up to you and your leadership team to make your organisation’s culture and environment as inclusive and comfortable as possible. This often means making adjustments to working conditions, policies and operations where there might be room for improvement.
There are many kinds of medical conditions or needs that might call for changes like these in an organisation, and one is the menopause.
Menopause is a phase that can bring about various physical and emotional changes for your employees. Recognising the impact of these changes, and making small but impactful changes to ease this transition, can help you and your employees to work through it together. Working through the menopause with workplace adjustments can be very helpful to those experiencing the transition.
With so many now working from home or in a hybrid set-up, there are ways for an employer to improve working conditions both at home and in the office. Let’s take a look at menopause reasonable adjustments for both environments.