Expat living: how to get treatment if you become ill abroad

September 04, 2018
Whether it is your first international assignment or just the first time you have been sick while away from home, it is important to think about what you should do if you become ill. But where to start? We have some suggestions:
If you have an international health insurance policy your insurer should be your first port of call for advice on local treatment wherever you are in the world. They should be able to provide information on accessing a family doctor and medical facilities in your locality.
There are a number of guides to local healthcare in popular expat destinations online. Most will have information on how to access day to day healthcare if your illness is not serious enough to warrant attending a hospital.
If your office has a HR department, it is worth contacting someone there to ask for advice on accessing a doctor in your specific country. They should also be able to advise you on sick leave policy within your organisation if you are too ill to work.
Expat colleagues are a great source of information on how things operate locally. Chances are they were in a similar situation previously and can advise you on the steps you need to take. They may be able to recommend a specific doctor close to your office.
There is no doubt that everything can feel worse when we are under the weather. This is the time to reach out to your support network. Contact friends and family locally or in your home country, talk to them about how you are feeling physically and mentally.
Expat living can be exciting and the temptation is to stay busy even with a cold or other minor illness. Not taking the time to rest and recuperate can allow a minor illness to become something more serious so even if you see a doctor for treatment, rest is an important step on the road to recovery.
If you don’t have international health insurance in place, contact us today and we can provide you the medical support you need for minor or major illness while living and working overseas.