- 2015 Turnover: 7.272 billion euros (+14% compared to 2014 and +11% at a constant exchange rate)
- Operating Profit: 266 million Euros (+21% compared to 2014 and +15% at a constant exchange rate )
- Combined ratio: 97.9% (99% in 2014)
- 16,000 employees worldwide
- Present in 75 countries
- 40 million cases handled *
- Ambition for 2020: 10 billion euros in turnover and 500 million euros in operating profit
Allianz Worldwide Partners has announced its financial results for 2015 and confirms its ambitions for 2020. Global turnover increased by 14% compared to 2014, and 11% at a constant exchange rate. All of the Group’s geographical regions and lines of business made balanced contributions to growth in 2015. Allianz Worldwide Partners also showed a marked improvement in its combined ratio at 97.9%, while operating profit increased by 21% (+15% at a constant exchange rate).