Table of Contents

What are employee wellbeing initiatives?
How your employee's wellbeing affects business
Why should you invest in workplace wellbeing Initiatives
Every day employees spend a significant amount of time at work and understanding how that can impact their day-to-day lives can have lasting effects on your business's future. When your employees are physically and mentally taken care of, they can focus on performing their best at work. Studies show that when businesses have wellbeing initiatives in place more than 9 in 10 workers feel more motivated at work. While 80% of employees who engage in wellbeing programmes feel they enjoy their work more.
Not only is wellbeing at work proven to impact your workforce's overall happiness but it is also reported to be considered as important as a salary when taking on a new role. If you're not convinced about how integral wellness is for your workforce here are some of the reported benefits wellness initiatives can have on workplace performance.
- Enhanced employee engagement and morale
- Reduced workplace stress and burnout
- Reduced absenteeism
- Improved employer reputation
- Contributes to a positive workplace culture