
Top travel safety tips in a post-pandemic world

11 June 2021

Will you need to quarantine? Get tested again? Provide proof of negative test results? Regulations differ from one country to another. A very useful interactive map from travel company Sherpa shows you in real-time where in the world you can travel right now depending on your location and vaccination status, and what restrictions you may face, by simply entering your departure and arrival locations on their website.
A number of countries now require travellers to show proof of vaccination or proof of a recent negative COVID-19 test upon arrival, or both. Make sure your vaccination card is filled out with the date of your dose or doses (if you received a two-dose vaccine). It's a good idea to make a copy of the card or have a photo on your phone as backup. Some countries also insist on a PCR test to determine if you're infected several days before flying into and out of their airports.
Masks, hand sanitiser and disinfecting wipes should be always at the ready while you travel. Carry a travel-size bottle of hand sanitiser for commonly touched surfaces like doorknobs, handles and buttons. Don't forget to bring disinfectant wipes to sanitise all the high-touch areas. It’s always a good idea to bring more masks than you think you will need. While you’re out and about, observe local masking and follow social distancing guidelines. 

Try to look for direct flights when possible. This will limit the need to change planes and walk through busy airports. While travelling through the airport, steer clear of crowded areas. Food courts, shopping areas and busy gates should be avoided whenever possible. Find an empty gate to relax in, away from the crowds.

Respect social distancing during luggage drop-off, security checks, boarding and baggage claim. And remember, even if you are vaccinated, you still need to take precautions, such as wearing a mask and keeping your distance, during your travel in airports. 

Be sure to check your airline’s website for information on its policies. Pack disinfectant wipes in your carry-on so you can wipe down your seat, tray table, screen and seat belt buckle before you sit down. Check that wipes are at least 60 per cent alcohol.

Keep your mask on for the entire flight. Food, beverages and other goods may not be available on board; if service is restricted, consider opting out of meals so you don't have to remove your mask.

Turn on your overhead air vent. Although the air in the cabin is generally safe, turning the vent on can help disperse any pathogens in the air around you and ensure you are breathing the freshest possible air.

Travel insurance is more important now than ever. Make sure to get insurance for both medical coverage and trip cancellation and interruption. In some cases, it may be sensible to buy specific COVID-related travel insurance that includes some kind of “COVID cover” for disruptions. Don’t assume that your policy will cover this.

It’s also worth paying close attention to international travel restrictions stipulated by certain countries. If you travel before restrictions are lifted, it may invalidate your insurance.

International Health Insurance with Allianz Care gives both you and your family protection and peace of mind with cover treatment for COVID-19.

Safe travelling!