Many expats move to tropical climates, as a female expat you may be at increased risk of some common ailments including:
Prickly heat: although this can be a problem for everyone, this nasty heat rash is particularly common if you take birth control. It is caused when sweat gets trapped under your skin, causing it to become inflamed and itchy. To ease the condition, stay out of the sun as much as possible, wear loose fitting clothes made from natural fibers like cotton and use calamine lotion to soothe your skin.
Yeast infections: more common in warm conditions, these infections are uncomfortable and annoying and although not dangerous, you can pass them on to a partner. To help prevent an infection:
- wear loose, breathable fabrics
- avoid food and drinks containing yeast or high levels of sugar
- take a probiotic to encourage good bacteria in your body
UTIs: the female urethra is much shorter than a male’s, putting women at greater risk of developing a urinary tract infection (UTI). It is thought that UTI’s are more prevalent in warmer weather because dehydration prevents bacteria from being flushed out. If you have moved to a warmer country, ensure you are drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated.