Research crime levels in your destination but also in the area you intend to move to. Be aware that although parts of a country may have high rates of crime, others may be safer. It is also important to understand who are the most common victims of crime in the country you may move to.
Political situation
Is there political instability in the country you are moving to? Are there areas of dispute or conflict? Is the government representative of the people or more authoritarian? How does the general population feel about all the above; are there protests, riots or violent conflict caused by the political situation? Consider how likely this is to impact on you as an expat living in this destination.
What is the economic gap between rich and poor in your proposed destination? As an expat will you be at the same economic level as a large proportion of the population or will you be part of a small group of wealthier people? If it is the latter, investigate whether there may be an additional risk of crime.
Natural disasters
If you are moving from a temperate to a tropical climate, you may need to be aware of the possibility of a natural disaster. Is there a monsoon or hurricane season? How much damage do they typically do to cities and towns? Is flooding a risk? Is the area you are moving to likely to experience earthquakes, forest fires or droughts?
Although this may be linked to the political situation, terrorism is also worth researching. Have there been incidents of terrorism in your destinations recent past? Do acts of terrorism appear to be isolated or are they part of an ongoing issue? Who are the most likely victims of terrorism? Is it the military, law enforcement, government or the general population?
While bearing all of this in mind, don't let personal safety cloud your judgement completely when it comes to taking up an expat opportunity. There is danger and risk in living anywhere in the world.