Smoking is one of the top contributors to developing cardiovascular disease but it is also the most controllable risk factor with heart disease. Avoiding smoking altogether or even quitting can have a hugely positive effect on your heart health and overall health.
According to a CDC study carried out in 2019, 14 of every 100 adults over 18 in the US were currently smokers meaning approximately 34.1 million US adults smoke. At the time there were more than 16 million adults in the US living with a smoking related disease.
There are lots of benefits that come with quitting smoking. After just 20 minutes of quitting your circulation improves and your blood pressure and heart rate will lower. This instantly lowers your risk of heart attack. One year off cigarettes, your risk of heart attack halves and after 15 years your risk of heart attack is the same as that of a non-smoker.
If you would like to quit smoking talk to your doctor to decide the best approach.