Man wearing facemask


How to wear a face covering

19 October 2020

Even if you do wear a face covering when in enclosed public spaces, it is still important to observe other measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus. These include:

  • social distancing
  • washing your hands properly and often
  • using a hand sanitiser
  • avoiding touching your eyes, nose or mouth
  • practicing good cough and sneeze etiquette
  • staying home if you are sick
  • wash your hands thoroughly before touching your face covering
  • ensure the face covering has no holes or tears
  • ensure the face covering is made from a material you are comfortable wearing
  • if your face covering has ear loops, hold the covering by the ear loops and put the loops around each ear
  • if your face covering has ties, hold the covering by the ties and bring the covering to your nose and tie securely
  • place the face covering securely over your mouth and nose, ensure there are no gaps
  • ensure you can breathe easily
  • carry spare face coverings 
  • avoid touching your face covering while wearing it
  • do not use a wet or soiled face covering
  • do not wear a loose-fitting face covering
  • do not rest the face covering around your neck or on your forehead
  • do not share face coverings with other people
  • when speaking do not lower your face covering
  • avoid discarding face coverings in public places, face coverings should be disposed of safely and hygienically
  • when you are home, take your face covering off safely
  • handle your face covering by the ear loops or ties only
  • do not touch your eyes, nose, and mouth when removing your face covering
  • wash your hands immediately after removing your face covering
  • young children
  • people who have trouble breathing
  • people who are unconscious or incapacitated
  • people who cannot remove a face covering without help
It is important that we all continue to take precautions to help prevent the spread off coronavirus and reduce our chances of contracting the virus. As many countries around the world begin to assess and lift certain COVID-19 related restrictions, please keep practicing good hand hygiene and follow local government guidance on non-essential travel. Visit our site for more information on coronavirus and advice for Allianz Care members and to read our COVID-19 Member FAQ