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Complaints and cancellation

Our Helpline is always the first number to call if you have any comments or complaints. If we are not able to resolve the problem on the phone, please email or write to us at:

Telephone:  +353 1 630 1301

Email:  [email protected]

Postal address:

Customer Advocacy Team,

Allianz Partners, 15 Joyce Way, Park West Business Campus,  Nangor Road,  Dublin 12, Ireland.

We will handle your complaint according to our internal complaint management procedure detailed here

You can also contact our Helpline to obtain a copy of this procedure.


If you hold an individual policy you can cancel the contract in relation to all insured persons, or only in relation to one or more dependants, within 30 days of receiving the full terms and conditions of your policy or from the start/renewal date of your policy, whichever is later. Please note that you cannot backdate the cancellation of your membership. If you wish to cancel, please complete the “Right to change your mind” form which was included in your welcome/renewal pack. This form can be sent to us via email to: [email protected].

Alternatively, you can post this form to the Client Services Team, using the address provided at the back of your Benefit Guide.

If you cancel your contract within this 30 day period, you will be entitled to a full refund of the cancelled member(s) premiums paid for the new Insurance Year, provided that no claims have been made. If you choose not to cancel (or amend) your policy within this 30 day period, the insurance contract will be binding on both parties and the full premium owing for the selected Insurance Year will be due for payment, according to the payment frequency selected by you.



If you are part of a Group Scheme your company can end your membership or that of any of your dependants by notifying us in writing. We cannot backdate the cancellation of your cover. It will automatically end:

  •  At the end of the Insurance Year, if the agreement between your company and us is terminated.
  • If your company decides to end or not to renew your cover.
  • If your company does not pay premiums or any other payment due under the Company Agreement with us.
  • If you are an individual payer and you do not pay premiums or any other payment due under the Company Agreement with us.
  • When you stop working for your company.
  • Upon the death of the insured employee.

We can end your cover and that of your dependants if there is reasonable evidence that you or they have misled or attempted to mislead us. For example giving us false information, withholding information, or working with another party to give us false information, either intentionally or carelessly, which may influence us when deciding:

  • Whether you (or they) can join the scheme
  • What premiums your company has to pay
  • Whether we have to pay a claim
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